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Thermal Bridge Modelling

Optimize your details and keep your project on budget with our thermal bridge modelling services

Upcoming: Certified Passive House Designer Course

Jan 16

Lack of proper modelling can inflate your project costs and threaten the integrity of your building

Eliminating thermal bridging is a key tenant of Passive House, yet many project teams lack the skills necessary to carry out the appropriate assessments that will help their project meet its goals.  

Without proper modelling, you may not be aware of potential risks to the health or comfort of your building’s occupants. Conservative assumptions about the thermal bridging of key junctions can prevent you from making optimal decisions regarding the construction of your building early on, push you over your energy budget, and result in the need for costly improvements down the line. Whether or not you are fully committed to achieving Passive House, accurate modelling is needed to ensure your project stays on budget and your building performs as expected.

We help you optimize the detailing to reduce project costs and mitigate risks to your building.

Our iterative approach to modelling provides you with continual high-value feedback on the thermal performance of your building throughout the span of the project. In order to keep your project on track, we can identify opportunities to simplify the construction and reduce costs to help you achieve Passive House within your budget. Our streamlined service covers both Passive House and top tiers of energy step codes, saving you time, money, and hassle.  

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PVC frame with Ultradur reinforcement in the sash and Walltite insulation (0.034 W/(mK)) inside the cavities

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PVC frame with Ultradur reinforcement in the sash and Walltite insulation (0.034 W/(mK)) inside the cavities

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